Roof Exhaust System

Rooftop exhaust fans are designed to remove heat and odors from buildings to improve air quality and occupant comfort. Areas such as cafeterias, locker rooms, office spaces, restrooms and warehouses often have unique requirements specified by local codes and utilize a wide range of rooftop exhaust fans. To accommodate these various types of environments and ventilation systems, HINDUSTAN Fans offers a complete line of products to support every rooftop exhaust application. These applications can range from clean airstreams with minimal filtration all way to high density offices and health care facilities that must comply with extremely stringent regulations.
Propeller Roof Ventilators
Propeller roof ventilators provide cost effective, general purpose exhaust ventilation of commercial buildings as well as a large variety of industrial applications. Belt and direct drive models are available with cast aluminum, adjustable pitch or fabricated steel, fixed pitch propellers to meet specific application requirements.
Centrifugal Roof & Wall Exhausters
Centrifugal roof and wall exhausters are available in direct and belt driven models, featuring backward inclined, non-overloading centrifugal wheels for maximum efficiency and quiet operation. A variety of configurations are available for the exhaust of relatively clean air and grease-laden air.
Roof extractors are powered Ventilation Fans mounted on the roof to exhaust air forcibly they are provided with durable weather proof outer cowls. In this type of roof exhauster there is a continuous expulsion of indoor stale, hot and contaminated air thereby inducing fresh air into the enclosed space thus maintaining a healthy indoor air quality. These roof exhauster can be used in wall or window applications which experience severe wind conditions whilst all models feature a weatherproof outer cowl. These units are useful for extraction or air supply through the roof, usually preferable in Factories, D.G. rooms, Steel plant and Foundries and are also installed with ducts to extract air from a particular location. These roof exhauster provide effective extraction of air within the premises unlike the fans dependent on wind energy for effective performance.